The production of the glass tiles needs no more than half of the energy spent to produce ceramic tile of the same size. And that means a better impact on the ecology and environment. Clear glass bathroom tiles are also more eco-friendly because they do not contain many chemicals. As well some manufacturers use recycled glass to create glass tiles.
As for how bright some design ideas can be as bright and vibrant the glass tiles are. Especially when they are catching sunlight it seems that the bathroom becomes alive. Such a wonderful picture you may remember a long time as a sweet memory. Notice, that all glass tiles except very dark will be reflecting the sunlight but not absorbing it. This will bring out the amazing shining of the glass mosaic tile, and that feature is very exclusive for the glass tiles.
Take a look at some great galleries that are available online and offline and enjoy it. The Year 2022 collection is here:


Awesome Small Bathroom Backsplash Glass Tile